My name is Christian Lanni. I've been working in computer graphics forĀ  five years now, with a specialty in Rigging and Tool building for Maya and Houdini. I graduated with a BFA in art from Gnomon School of Visual Effects. Below is a summary and collection of my work from my time at Gnomon
Demo Reel 2024
Wall-E Breakdown
My time working with this Wall-E model I found online was spent mostly in Mayas script editor, creating a dynamic system for the tire treads. I knew I wanted the treads to roll automatically live in viewport in a painless way. Creating a system that would enable this would allow the animators working with the model, in this case myself, to focus on creating great animation for the rest of the model, instead of the tire treads.
This is another feature of the treads I spent time perfecting. Because the treads are driven using a curve, I discovered I could apply blendshapes to said curve, and then deform those blendshapes by connecting them to attributes, allowing me to create a system where the rotation of the controller looks like it dynamically bends the tire treads. Wonderfully, both this system, and the tire tread rolling system work great together, so the tire treads can bend and deform, and will still roll automatically and correctly.
Contact Information
Christian Lanni

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